Access Officer

A request from disabled residents to ERYC for an access officer 15 years ago was declined and unfortunately the East Riding is still without an access officer.

An Access Officer’s duty is to remove barriers for disabled people.


Much of the funding required for an Access Officer can be sourced from what tax payers currently pay political parties to undertake their political objectives at County Hall.

We believe that disability funding is more important than providing whips for political parties.

For further information please see the ERYC  website.

Hull City Council


Hull City Council is a fantastic example for ERYC as they have had a dedicated Access Officer for 15 years.

About Cath Scarlett

Cath Scarlett is a disability rights campaigner. She was a Maths teacher before being pushed out of her job after three years of fighting disability related discrimination and harassment. Since then she has been lobbying for enforcement of the Equality Act 2010 and campaigning for better access for disabled people.
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